Available Positions


Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Biology/Biophysics at New York University

A postdoctoral position is available in Dr. Tamar Schlick's group at the NYU. Research topics include biomolecular dynamics, simulations, protein and nucleic acid structure and function. For a sampling of the group's work, see Research.

Candidates should possess a Ph.D. in chemistry, biophysics, computational mathematics, or related fields and possess excellent computer and programming skills. A solid background in simulation algorithms and experience in advanced scientific computing are highly desired, as is a solid background in chemistry or biophysics (for the mathematical PhDs).

Currently, we seek postdoctoral fellows in the following areas:

(1) RNA structure and design, where we we employ graph theory methods, bioinformatics techniques, and computational algorithms relevant to RNA; see RNA, and our RNA database.
(2) Chromatin modeling, where we employ enhanced sampling techniques, coarse-grained modeling, and chromatin biology (see Chromatin) and
(3) polymerase mechanisms, where we use atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, enhanced sampling methods, and possibly quantum/molecular mechanics hybrid techniques, (see DNA Polymerases) may also be available.

Applications including full curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and 3 reference letters should be sent to: Dr. Tamar Schlick, Department of Chemistry and the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012 USA. (Email: schlick@nyu.edu, Phone: 212-998-3116, Fax: 212-995-4152).