me : Angelo Nicoletta Home Dept: Chemistry Phone #: (718) 848-1146 Student Status : 1st yr. Chem. Graduate, Biomolecular Division Course Status : Registered Background : My graduate course history includes classes in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, Bio-organic, Bio-inorganic, Adv. Physical Chem, NMR Spectroscopy and, X-ray Crystallography. My computing experience is a bit limited as far as programming but, I am familiar with the WWW, and Unix. I have also used Charmm. As far as my research background, as an undergrad I worked on short peptide projects, from synthesis to simple modeling and energy minimization to final structure determination. As a graduate I worked on a similar project and another peptide modeling project concerning peptides on the Adenovirus capsid. In addition I have also done some X-ray crystallography (crystal growth and getting to know how to operate the machine). As for my future, I am not quite sure what I want to do with myself. Originally I wanted to be a teacher, however I am not really sure anymore and my career goals my be bending more toward industry.