Paola Bellosta Dept. of Microbiology NYU Medical Center phone 263-5331. status: Research Ass. Professor course status: auditing back. info: undergraduate in Industrial Chemistry with same background on Chemical-Physics. Graduate in Biology Uni. of Milan Computing experience, not very much, but married with a math. from the Courant Institute (I have some hope of help)! Aims: My background is Molecular Biology but I'm currently heavily involved in a project of a characterization of a growth factor FGF4, which was isolated in the lab.of Dr. C. Basilico NYU few yers ago. My goal is to analyze the structure of this GF, so far only by modeling using the structure od others member of the same family of GFs (FGFs family). Recently here at NYU we were able, not me personally, to produce the cristal structure of a mutant of the FGF4 growth factor. Now I would like to understand more about Mol. Modeling and that is why I'm in your class. Tx Poala Bellosta Paola Bellosta, Ph.D. Dept. of Microbiology MSB Room 252 New York University Medical Center 550 First Avenue New York, NY 10016 phone (212) 263-5331 fax (212) 263-8276