Dear professor, Here is my information. 1. Name: Yu-Sung Chang 2. Dept: Dept. of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Science 3. Phn#: x83204 (office: WWH#810), (201) 313-8456 (home) 4. Status: Ph.D. Candidate (second year) Studying in Computational Geometry 5. Course Status: Registered (not yet, but will be in next week) 6. Background: Experienced in both Mathematics and Computer Science. * Courses including: - Mathematics Algebra, Topology, Real/Complex/Functional Analysis, PDE, ODE, Computational/Descrete Geometry (recently), Probability/Statistics - Computer Science Algorithms, Algorithmics, Computer Graphics, Networking, Programming Language (compiler) * No background in Biology * Computing Experience - 3D Modeling (for animations), Unix/Windows NT administrating, C/C++ Programming, Pascal, Fortran Programming, MATLAB, Shell scripting, WWW Design * Goal - Looking for arcademic or researching job related to Computational Geometry, Algorithms, or Visualizations. ===================================================== Yu-Sung Chang Courant Institute of Mathematical Science New York University Please my website at =====================================================