Course Information

  • Syllabus
  • Schedule
  • Books
  • Articles
  • Homework

    Introduction to Software

  • InsightII
  • Explorer
  • Spartan

    Related Sites

    Professor Information

    General Information

  • Instructor
  • Assistants
  • Students
  • Computer
  • Email list
  • Archimedes Accounts

  • G25.2601 Mailing List


    A student should email to majordomo@cs.nyu.edu and enclose in the *body* (the subject header is ignored) of the message the following two lines:

    subscribe g25_2601_fl96@cs.nyu.edu

    Your name will be on the class list.

    If you have any questions about this, direct your questions to comment@cims.nyu.edu.

    Some recent problems with Major Dome(Mon, 16 Sept. 1996)

    Dear Major Domo users,

    I'm writing to inform you that I have noticed that Major Domo has some problems recently due to a memory shortage on the machine CS.NYU.EDU. In particular, between 15 and 20 requests to subscribe have bounced when CS became overloaded.

    If any of your students report such a problem, please just ask them to resend the subscription request.

    Matthew Smosna(Systems Manager @CS Department)

    For more info, email: web@monod.biomath.nyu.edu