Course Information

  • Syllabus
  • Schedule
  • Books
  • Articles
  • Homework

    Introduction to Software

  • InsightII
  • Explorer
  • Spartan

    Related Sites

    Professor Information

    General Information

  • Instructor
  • Assistants
  • Students
  • Computer
  • Email list
  • Archimedes Accounts

  • Computer Work

    Computer work will be an important part of the course, though you need not know programming. At the onset of the course, you will be asked to get a computer class account, learn the basics of accessing the World Wide Web - a rich resource of information - e-mail, and some basic Unix. Tutorials are available from the Academic Computing Facility (ACF) and from the class assistants.

    For basic internet and web access, you can use any X-terminal throughout campus, such as available through the ACF computer labs.

    For computer graphics work, such as involving the Insight program, you will need a Silicon Graphics computer. For this purpose you can use the ACF visualization lab, 317 WWH, which has several SGI machines, but you need to reserve time in advance(see posting outside the room). Facilities on the second floor ACF lab are also available.

    In addition, a block of time has been reserved for all class registrants every Thursday from 8am to 1pm at 317 WWH. The Class TA will be available for help during part of the morning. Use this time well to use the very powerful SGI workstations.

    For more info, email: web@monod.biomath.nyu.edu