Course Information

  • Syllabus
  • Schedule
  • Books
  • Articles
  • Homework

    Introduction to Software

  • InsightII
  • Explorer
  • Spartan

    Related Sites

    Professor Information

    General Information

  • Instructor
  • Assistants
  • Students
  • Computer
  • Email list
  • Archimedes Accounts

  • Class Accounts

    Individual accounts for all registered students in G25.2601.001 have been set on the Unix machine ARCHIMEDES. First, you should get your username from my master list as soon as possible. Second, you should log onto the system with the (appetizing?) start-up password of


    Third, you should change the password immediately. NOTE: everyone gets the same password initially! In order to change your password, you should type "yppasswd" after you login to archimedes account.

    Should you have any further questions regarding these accounts, contact Jodi Goldberg of the ACF, at jodi.goldberg@nyu.edu or at the ACF offices on the third floor of WWH.

    Remember to fill, sign, and submit the ACF document Responsibilities of All New York University Computer and Network Users before using this account.

    For more info, email: web@monod.biomath.nyu.edu